Who is Eligible to Participate?
Full-time employees:
Employees are eligible for benefits if they are regular, full-time employees working at least 30 hours per week.
Which Family Members Can be Covered?
- Legal spouse or domestic partner* (as defined by the laws in your state)
- Children up to age 26 (includes a biological child, adopted child, stepchild, a child of your child who is your dependent for federal income tax purposes at the time application for coverage is made, a child to whom you are a legal guardian)
- A child of any age who is medically certified as disabled and dependent on you for support and maintenance
*Domestic partner premiums are paid on an after-tax basis.
Dependent Verification
If you add dependents, you will receive a request (via email to your work email and letter from UKG) to prove their eligibility for coverage. Review full dependent verification requirements in the full benefits guide.
Working Spouse/Domestic Partner Surcharge
If an employee’s spouse/domestic partner has access to another employer’s medical plan, employees will pay an additional fee each month to cover them under the United Site Services medical plan. More information on the Working Spouse/Domestic Partner Surcharge can be found in the full benefits guide.
Tobacco Surcharge
Employees will incur an additional monthly surcharge, in addition to their medical premium, if they or a covered dependent, uses any form of tobacco. Review more information and certification requirements in the full benefits guide.

New Hires
New hire benefits are effective the first day of the month coinciding with or following 30 days from date of hire, with the exception of Short-Term Disability (STD) and Long-Term Disability (LTD). STD and LTD are effective the first of the month following 90 days of employment.